SKIES makes planning and doing lessons easier by allowing you to create collaborative lesson cards in a few easy steps! Here's how:
- Create a course folder first. You can find the steps here. You can add your lessons inside this course. If you have an existing course(s), go into the course where you want to add the lesson.
- Click +Make New Lesson, give it a simple title then click Save.
- To add your lesson card, click the +Make new card.
- You may then create the type of lesson card by selecting from any of these available options; or simply drag in your materials from your device:
- Enter Text allows you to create a text card. This is perfect to use if you just want to type information or instructions for your students.
- Image Search lets you easily search and add images to your card.
- Video Search allows you to search for videos that you want to add to your card.
- Draw Picture lets you draw, create a text or a table.
- Camera Photo lets you capture photos using your camera, and add them to your card.
- Record Video lets you record video using your camera, and add it to your card.
- Record Audio lets you record audio that you want to add to your card.
- Google Doc allows you to create a collaborative Google file or import from your drive.
- Generator allows you to automatically generate practice problems or exercises for your students.
- Make Quiz Card allows you to create different types of quizzes.
- Core Content allows you to add available lesson materials to your lesson.
- Import File allows you to import file and media from your computer and from your Google drive.
Here’s a video showing how you can create a lesson card using Enter text:
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