Imagine having the ability to guide your students' focus and adjust their learning in real-time. With SKIES, you can do just that using the hide and show feature for lesson cards. This tool allows you to tailor lessons, manage content visibility, and ensure students stay engaged at their own pace - perfect for differentiated instruction!
How to hide cards from all students
- Click the toggle button on the upper left of the lesson card.
- It will turn white and will be labeled 'hidden' once it's hidden from the students.
- To show the card, you can click the same button until it turns blue.
How to hide a specific card from a student:
- Click the all hyperlink next to your username at the top of the card.
- On the pop-up window, manually switch the toggle button to white beside the selected students you want the card hidden from.
- Click Done on the upper right of the pop-up window.
How to hide or show multiple cards at once
- Click the Select button on the bottom of the cards that you want to hide, then click Hidden on the upper left of the screen.
- To show multiple cards at once, you can do the same steps, but this time, click Public on the upper left.
- If you want to hide all cards, click the Select button below the lesson title, click All cards. Click Hidden to hide them, or Public to show them.
You may also watch this video demonstrating how to do it:
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