With SKIES Gradebook, you no longer have to spend a lot of time computing your students’ grades. It automatically computes and collates students’ grades for you! It also allows you to download your students' grades in a csv file, which you can personalize and save as your copy.
Follow these steps below on how to access and download Gradebook:
Course Level
- Go into your course and click the "Grades" button below your Course Title.
- On the next page, you will see your students' grades for each Lesson in your course.
Choose how you want to download the grades:
- Click "Fractions" if you want to download the grades as a fraction, ex. 80/100.
- Click "Percents" if you want to download the grades as a percentage, ex. 80.
- You may sort your students' grades by clicking the arrows at the top of the column.
- To exclude grades from a specific lesson, just click the Lesson Title (at the top) and hide all cards.
Clicking the "Grid View" button will show you your students' individual grades for all the lessons.
- You can also print and send these to the parents if you want to give them an update on students' performance.
Lesson Level
- Go into your lesson and click the 3 dots ( ... ) on the top-right corner of your SKIES page and click "Gradebook" from the menu.
- On the next page, you will see your students' grades for each Prompt Card in your lesson.
- Click "Grades" at the top to download the grades as a CSV file.
- You may sort your students' grades by clicking the arrows at the top of the column.
- You can also click the "Expand" (at the top) to show which cards are the grades for.
- To exclude grades from a specific card/s, just go back to the lesson and hide the card/s.
You may also watch this video demonstrating how to do it:
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